One of the most important jobs of a nonprofit board is to help craft a strategic plan that keeps the organization focused and on track toward mission accomplishment.
The strategic plan is a blueprint for transforming dreams into actions with positive outcomes for those you serve.
A thoughtful strategic plan also can be pivotal for an organization. When properly planned and executed, few activities can help unite team members and keep them focused on shared priorities more than a strategic plan.
Considering the importance of having a clear road map, it’s surprising that some boards do not regularly engage with the process.
The 2025 State of the Nonprofit Sector Report from Forvis Mazars, to be released in spring 2025, found that only 35.7% of nonprofit board members across the U.S. are actively engaged in strategic planning. Survey participants indicated that around one-third (36.5%) of their boards are somewhat engaged, and more than one-fourth (27.8%) are not active in developing this important document that establishes goals and strategies.
As your organization prepares for the process, consider these seven ideas to help you achieve planning success:
1. Commit to the Process
It takes time and resources to develop an effective strategic plan. If the board and senior leadership are not willing to take a hands-on approach and allocate necessary resources to the process, it will not work. From the initial planning stage to the board retreat and writing of the plan, the process requires an investment. Make sure your entire team is ready and fully committed to the process.
2. Use an Integrated Approach
Strategic plans are successful when they are developed around the entire operation.
An effective plan ties into and directly supports other aspects of the organization, such as programs, human resources, business plans, and marketing. Each component leads to the fulfillment of stated goals and outcomes within the strategic plan.
3. Let Evidence Guide You
In the early stages of the planning process, compile a data packet of facts and figures related to your organization’s focus area. Your work is too important to be based on anything but credible evidence. Every decision made about programs and services should be based on trustworthy sources, not on anecdotal information or hearsay.
Your packet might include baseline data from county, state, and federal sources on poverty rates, demographic changes, crime reports, and health reports, as well as an overview of your program metrics. The packet should be read by all planning participants and used in decision making.
4. Seek Multiple Perspectives
Organizations can become myopic, losing the ability to see their work from a broader perspective. To avoid this short-sightedness, make your planning process inclusive. Involve the perspective of representatives who have a stake in your program’s success, including school representatives, law enforcement, business leaders, and even other nonprofits. All have a vested interest in your success and can bring a balanced voice to your work. In addition, get input from the very people who benefit from your organization’s programs and services.
When other stakeholders have a say in developing your path forward, they are much more likely to have buy-in and support the plan once it is implemented.
5. Build From the Bottom
The foundation of your organization is built on 1) a clear and focused mission statement that explains what you do, 2) belief statements that describe the values on which you operate, and 3) an aspirational vision statement that provides a concise and vivid image of the world you are trying to create.
These essential elements should be developed (or refined) first. All other components of the plan are driven by these and come later. Every strategy and activity should lead to mission and vision accomplishment.
Although strong mission/belief/vision statements don’t change often, they should be revisited periodically. Changes in demographics, the economy, and other areas can cause your approach to become obsolete and ineffective.
6. Share Responsibility
There is a tendency, especially in smaller organizations, to assign all of the plan’s tasks to the executive director (possibly the only paid employee).
Avoid doing this. Assigning dozens of new tasks to an already-overloaded person is a sure-fire path to failure.
A well-balanced plan spreads responsibility without overloading any one person. Board and committee members must work alongside staff to have an active role in carrying out the plan.
7. Execute With Openness
The success of your plan requires accountability and honesty.
Avoid the “dusty shelf” syndrome by revisiting the plan’s stated goals and outcomes periodically at board meetings.
Develop actionable strategies with goals and objectives, then hold one another accountable for progress. Are you reaching your benchmark indicators of success? Are adjustments needed?
Nonprofits are accountable to a variety of audiences. First and foremost, they are accountable to the community and individuals who rely on the organizations’ important programs and services to help make life better. Second, they are accountable to their donors, fulfilling a promise to make good use of precious resources. And third, to each other. Staff and board must hold one another accountable to do the work with integrity and excellence.
By focusing on feedback from others, scanning the environment, setting clear goals and strategies, and consistently monitoring progress, organizations can craft plans that help keep them on track to carry out their mission and create lasting change.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to a professional at Forvis Mazars.