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Alex Smith

Headshot Image for Alex Smith


Alex consults with attorneys and corporations on the business, accounting, economic damage calculation, and data analysis aspects of complex commercial matters, fraud and forensic matters, and multidistrict litigation. Consulting services performed have included business interruption claims, lost profits and loss of use calculations, occupational fraud investigations, surprise investigations, financial modeling, breach of contract, and class action litigation. Alex also has experience leveraging sophisticated data analysis software to calculate economic damages on a granular level in complex litigation; identify fraudulent transactions; and analyze other text, geographic, and financial data.

He is Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), and a Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF).

Alex is a graduate of Clemson University, South Carolina, with an M.Acc. degree, and a graduate of Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina, with a B.S. degree in finance with a minor in economics.

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