Application due dates for federal grants under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) are fast approaching. Forvis Mazars has been following the IIJA since it was signed into law by President Biden in 2021. Our Building Your Community series Part 1 and Part 2 offers insight into the types of funding available, eligibility requirements, where to go for additional information, and steps to help mitigate fraud, waste, and abuse of these funds.
If your organization is interested in applying for these funds, below is a list of the different funding opportunities, deadlines, and other information about the funding still available (subject to change without notice by the funder).
Deadline to Apply | Agency | Funding Opportunity Title | Funding Opportunity Number | Estimated Funding |
6/30/2023 | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Southeast New England Program (SNEP) 2023 Stormwater and Natural Infrastructure Grant | EPA-I-R1-SNEP-2023B | $2.3 Million |
7/6/2023 | DOE–National Energy Technology Laboratory | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Storage, Validation and Testing (Section 40305): Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Phases III, III.5, and IV | DE-FOA-0002711 | $2.25 Billion |
7/7/2023 | DOE–01Headquarters | BIL Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Projects Funding Opportunity Announcement | DE-FOA-0002963 | $820 Million |
7/14/2023 | DOI–Fish and Wildlife Service | F23AS00284 FWS Year 2 Klamath Basin BIL Funding Opportunity | F23AS00284 | $15 Million |
7/14/2023 | EPA | 2023 South Florida Program | EPA-I-R4-SFL-2023-01 | $8 Million |
7/18/2023 | DOE–National Energy Technology Laboratory | Carbon Management | DE-FOA-0002614 | $342 Million |
7/24/2023 | DOT–Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin | FY 2023 Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant | 693JK323NF0014 | $392 Million |
7/25/2023 | DOE–Golden Field Office | (BIL), Section 41006(A)(2): U.S. Tidal Energy Advancement | DE-FOA-0002845 | $45 Million |
7/28/2023 | DOE–National Energy Technology Laboratory | (BIL) Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Ride and Drive Electric, Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Opportunity Announcement | DE-FOA-0002881 | $51 Million |
8/2/2023 | DOE–01Headquarters | BIL: Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas Funding Opportunity Announcement | DE-FOA-0002970 | $300 Million |
8/2/2023 | EPA | San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund, Fiscal Year 2023 | EPA-R9-SFBWQIF-23-02 | $30 Million |
8/3/2023 | DOE–Golden Field Office | 2023 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Energy Improvements at Nonprofits - (BIL) – Renew America’s Nonprofits | DE-FOA-0003066 | $45 Million |
8/4/2023 | DOE–01Headquarters | Industrial Decarbonization and Emissions Reduction Demonstration-to-Deployment Funding Opportunity Announcement | DE-FOA-0002936 | $6 Billion |
8/11/2023 | EPA | Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Program (GLEJGP) | EPA-I-R5-GL2023-GLEJGP | $20 Million |
8/15/2023 | DOE–Golden Field Office | BIL: Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) Program – IACs at Trade Schools, Community Colleges, and Union Training Programs; and Building Training and Assessment Centers (BTAC) Program | DE-FOA-0002940 | $54 Million |
8/22/2023 | DOE–Golden Field Office | Operation and Planning Tools for Inverter-based Resource Management and Availability for future power systems (OPTIMA), DE-FOA-0003034 | DE-FOA-0003034 | $30 Million |
8/28/2023 | DOE–Golden Field Office | WETO Offshore Wind 2023 Centers of Excellence FOA | DE-FOA-0002954 | $4.75 Million |
8/31/2023 | DOE–01Headquarters | BIL – Clean Energy Demonstration Program on Current and Former Mine Land Funding Opportunity Announcement | DE-FOA-0003009 | $450 Million |
10/12/2023 | DOE–01Headquarters | BIL: Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) Fixed Award Grant Program | DE-FOA-0003045 | $50 Million |
12/31/2023 | DOI–Fish and Wildlife Service | F23AS00078 National Fish Passage Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Fiscal Year 2023 | F23AS00078 | $38 Million |
1/24/2024 | DOI–Bureau of Reclamation | WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects for Fiscal Year 2023 | R23AS00106 | TBD |
11/27/2024 | DOE–Golden Field Office | (BIL) Assisting Federal Facilities With Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) Advancing Net-Zero Federal Facilities | DE-FOA-0003026 | $250 Million |
Forvis Mazars Can Help
Understanding the rules and regulations associated with spending IIJA funds to improve your community goes beyond simply applying Uniform Guidance 2 C.F.R. 200. Federal agencies awarding the funds will have their own program-specific guidance that organizations should follow along with any applicable state guidance. Pre-planning and designing policies to adhere to the funding requirements can help your organization avoid the pitfalls that can impact infrastructure spending.
Forvis Mazars’ dedicated National Grants Management team is ready to assist you with any phase of the grant life cycle. If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to a professional at Forvis Mazars.