CRM Health Check: Unlocking Salesforce Performance
August 22, 2024
Online Only
In this enlightening webinar, we’ll explore why conducting periodic health assessments for your customer relationship management (CRM) system is crucial. Join us as we unravel the hidden gems of maintaining a healthy CRM and discover actionable steps to help identify potential issues before they escalate. Learn more about the “why” and “how” for performing a Salesforce CRM health check, equipping you with the knowledge to unlock enhanced functionality.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Define how to set key performance indicators related to data quality, modifications, customization, and integrations.
- Identify how to review your CRM system’s configuration, including what’s “core” and what’s customized.
- Discuss how to perform a data audit, assessing data quality, duplicate records, missing information, and inconsistencies.
Kristin Voelz, Caleb Zautner