Beyond the Basics: Navigating 340B & DSH for Acute Care Hospitals
March 6, 2024
Online Only
Hospitals that fail to continually monitor 340B compliance are at risk of losing their eligibility status and, with it, a critical lifeline to narrow operating margins, their eligibility status, and recertification annually to remain compliant. The enhancement of disproportionate share adjustment percentages can aid in continued participation in 340B. Join us for an informative webinar to learn more.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:
- State 340B drug discount program eligibility and program requirements.
- Discuss strategies for 340B optimization.
- Identify key criteria and challenges for participation.
- Explain Medicare DSH and its impact on 340B eligibility.
- Recall an overview of recent changes in the 340B program.
Brian Bell, Josh Steedley