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A group of young colleagues walking down the stairs together at the end of the workday.

NACHC Community Health Institute (CHI) & Expo Conference

August 28, 2023

The NACHC Community Health Institute (CHI) and EXPO is the largest annual gathering of health center clinicians, executives, consumer board members, along with state/regional primary care associations and health center controlled networks. The conference takes place at a time when health centers are charting a new course in a rapidly changing health environment and being called upon to assume a larger role in the nation’s healthcare system.

Don’t miss your chance to learn from thought and industry leaders about cutting edge-ideas and partnerships to help improve financial sustainability and care.

Catch these sessions by Forvis Mazars!

The Changing Role of the CFO From Scorekeeper to Strategist
Monday, August 28 • 8:45–10:00 AM


Scott Gold & Jeffrey Allen

The Current Outlook of CHC Finances: Where Do We Go From Here?
Monday, August 28 • 3:15–4:30 p.m.


Catherine Gilpin

Register Now

Jenalee Davidson

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