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Transfer Pricing: The Emergence & Development of Public Country-by-Country Reporting

February 16, 2023

Under the guidance of BEPS Action 13 issues in October 2015 by OECD, certain large multinational enterprises (MNE) are required to prepare a country-by-country (CbC) report with aggregate data on the global allocation of income, profit, taxes paid, and economic activity among relevant tax jurisdictions. This report is shared with tax administrations in these jurisdictions for use in high-level transfer pricing and BEPS risk assessment. There also has been a growing trend of individuals and organizations promoting the value of tax transparency, especially the public CbC reporting, which will provide the public with access to certain MNE CbC financial information. With the development of public CbC reporting, MNEs will be subject to new CbC disclosure obligations globally, as well as to current reporting requirements related to Action 13. Join us for this informative webinar as we share how this reporting may affect your organization.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to: 

  • Define public CbC reporting and how it can affect companies
  • Discuss potential upcoming public CbC reporting obligations


Charles Edge, Lola Lu, Naama Wolf

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